Compare the most highly rated LPN education programs in Houston TX |
By Sybil Morneau In order to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN), it is necessary to attend an accredited nursing program that prepares students to take the state mandated NCLEX-PN licensing exam for LPN’s. Most LPN programs can be completed within 12 to 24 months, depending on the document earned at the completion of the program. Programs that earn a certificate usually take about 12 to 15 months to complete while programs that take 18 to 24 months to complete usually award an Associate’s degree. Some LPN programs allow students to transition to an RN program through a bridge program that awards certificate and Associate degree credit towards a higher degree. Sanford-Brown College Houston Sanford Brown College offers a licensed practical nursing program that can be completed as a standalone career or as stepping stone to becoming a registered nurse. The Sanford-Brown LPN program is designed to help students develop their nursing, communication and interpersonal skills along with the necessary nursing know how. The program is a combination class room and clinical learning that gives students real life experience. Class work includes Nursing I and II, microbiology and infection control, nutrition, pharmacology and medication dispersal, communication skills and problem solving. Clinical rotation is performed at several medical and health care facilities in the area where students work under the direction of a registered nurse or physician and perform patient care tasks. Applicants must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED, pass a criminal background check and drug and alcohol check and fill out a finger print card. Graduates will be prepared to take the state mandated NCLEX-PN licensing exam. Vista College of Nursing Vista College offers a licensed practical nursing program (LPN) that prepares students to care for patients who are ill, disabled, injured, recovering or feeble. Applicants must be 18 years old and hold a high school diploma equivalency. Students must be United States citizens or provide documentation of legal status. Applicants will also be required to undergo a criminal background check and drug and alcohol testing. The program includes class, clinical and laboratory work in nursing skills, pharmacology, nutrition, health science, maternal and new born nursing and child health nursing. Clinical tasks include patient care in a real life health care setting and laboratory work includes collecting information, bodily fluids and other test criteria and performing a variety of tests under the direction of a registered nurse, physician and laboratory technician. Graduates will be prepared to provide patient care and evaluation, the administration of medication, wound assessment and care, the assurance of patient safety and the prevention of further injury and have the ability to interface with other medical disciplines such as nursing assistants, dieticians and nutritionists, physical and respiratory therapists, physicians and registered nurses. The Vista College LPN program will also prepare students to take the state mandated NCLEX-PN exam and become a licensed practical nurse. Medvance Institute Medvance Institute offers a program in licensed practical nursing (LPN) that can be completed within 12 months. Classes begin every month, making Medvance Institute a very efficient educational system and with multiple locations, convenient classes are easy to find. The LPN program combines nursing class taught by certified nursing instructors and clinical work in medical facilities under the direction of a registered nurse and licensed physicians. Through clinical rotations in a variety of medical settings students will learn firsthand the use of the latest medical equipment and care from experienced medical personnel. Class work includes Nursing I and II, microbiology and infection control, nutrition, pharmacology and medication distribution, psychology, communication skills, patient assessment and laboratory standards. Students receive a diploma upon successful completion of the program. Medvance also offers students job placement assistance.
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