National Directory of Accredited RN Programs
Find qualified nursing schools that currently offer Registered Nurse education programs |
RN Diploma / Certificate ProgramsOur registered nursing school catalog includes all state-approved accredited RN programs. If you notice a program that is not on our list that you would like to suggest that we add please send an email with the school name and address. There are 3 types of RN programs, each resulting in a different degree awarded upon completion. After becoming a nurse you can source job openings on job websites, hospital websites, classifieds, temp agencies or with the help of a nurse staffing agency. Read our summary of each pathway to becoming a registered nurse (R.N.) to determine which path is right for you.
Associate’s Degree (ADN) RN ProgramsAnother way to become a registered nurse is through the completion of an Associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) program. Most Associate’s degree programs take 18-24 months to complete at a local community college. Often times the required classes can be taken online or during nights/weekends to accommodate the schedules of working students. Once the student has earned their ADN they can sign up to take the NCLEX-RN exam. These programs are also fairly quick to complete and relatively cheap since they can be completed at junior colleges. The nice thing about having an Associate’s degree is that you can always go back to school to earn your Bachelor’s degree at a later time. If you decide to enroll in a Bachelor’s degree program you will only need about two years to complete your degree. This makes the Associate’s degree path a sort of stepping stone for future opportunities. Bachelor’s Degree (BSN) RN ProgramsThe best career choice for a future registered nurse is to enroll in a four year Bachelor’s degree in nursing program. Although this degree will take about four years to complete, the future graduate will possess a valuable degree that can be used in several different ways. A student who graduates from a BSN program can take the NCLEX-RN test and become a licensed registered nurse. An RN who holds a Bachelor’s degree will be preferred by employers over RNs with a lesser degree or no degree at all. Nurses who hold their BSN will demand higher salaries and greater hourly wages. An RN with a BSN degree can also apply for nursing management positions and advance quickly within the nursing profession into more specialized fields. Lastly, a BSN degree allows the individual to pursue other careers outside of nursing. A four year degree from a reputable university has value in the US economy and is a signal of academic achievement and general competence. Holding a bachelor’s degree in nursing also puts you one step closer to achieving a Master’s degree with about 18 months of additional schooling. |
Individual program accreditations are granted by the State Board of Nursing for each state. It is important to verify a school’s current approval status before attending their program. You can verify by contacting the board of nursing in the state where the school is located.