Complete list of state approved pre-licensure registered nurse education programsEarn your ADN degree or BSN degree in Wisconsin |
RN Nursing Programs in WisconsinNurses care for individuals of all ages, regardless of race, community, religion and cultural background. In the early days nursing care was provided by men and women serving punishment and gave nurses a very lowly reputation. Today nursing is one of the most respected professions in the health care industry. The average RN salary in Wisconsin is $76,560 a year, or $40 an hour.
The two most common education programs offered at Wisconsin RN schools are: Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The following minimum requirements apply to both program types: at least two full academic years of foundation subjects and major subjects, including a theory-based segment. Most study programs include course work in the following subjects: Pharmacology, Social and Biological Sciences, Mental Health Care, Medical-Surgical nursing. Programs also include a clinical component where students will learn and practice in an actual hospital or medical facility under the supervision of a registered nurse and/or nurse educator. Both degree programs (ADN & BSN) meet the minimum nurse education requirements, but many hospitals prefer baccalaureates to associate degree nurses because they have more in-depth knowledge and more experience in clinical settings. Health care administrators want to ensure that patients receive the highest level of service and care available, so they choose their staff accordingly. Nurses with their BSN degree usually receive higher salaries and have greater opportunities for promotion to supervisory positions, administrative positions and nursing specialty positions. There is a growing need for nurses all over the country because of growing population, high demand for quality health care and large number of current nurses approaching retirement age. Associates Degree RN Programs in Wisconsin |
Accredited Wisconsin RN SchoolsSee our complete list of qualified RN nursing education programs in the state of Wisconsin. The schools listed here offer pre-licensure nursing programs that meet the registered nursing education requirements set forth by the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Although the schools listed on this page are accredited by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing and approved by the state of Wisconsin, they might not be accredited by national organizations such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Individuals should check to see if the state-approved nursing school they are considering also enjoys national accreditation status if they are seeking a school with both accreditations.