Find opportunities for free CNA training classes in Sacramento CA |
By Sybil Morneau The demand for nursing aides increases every year. In California, the requirements are set by the state and the federal authorities. Some people are interested in starting a rewarding career helping patients right away. If they have funds available, they can attend a high rated school and then go to work immediately after completion of the program. If money is an issue, there are schools such as Curam College, that do offer payment options for this course. There are many facilities that hold training at their location and some may even pay you while training. The local high schools, colleges, hospitals and community centers are good places to start your research for potential programs. Some people know at a young age that nursing is what they want to study and sign up for a special program while attending high school. This is a wonderful opportunity because it is tuition free. The high schools provide students with the necessary state approved training, they can sit for the exam and work as a certified nursing assistant at an entry level. The student learns medical terminology and the nursing fundamentals. There are several locations with the potential for free CNA training. In exchange for the nursing assistant training, you may be to asked sign a contract agreeing to work for the facility for a certain amount of time. Contact local nursing care facilities and ask if they are collaborating with any programs that offer free training. There are healthcare facilities such as hospitals and rehabilitation centers that can offer on the job training programs for certified nursing assistant. Before you get started, you should keep in mind that you will be fingerprinted and go through a criminal record check before you can complete the program. You will also be required to undergo a health check up before the clinical portion of your training. In order to become a certified nursing assistant, you must show a passing score on the written exam and also on the practical exam. A high school diploma or GED is required to participate in a certified training program and pass the exam. In California, you must complete a minimum of 160 hours of theoretical and clinical training. The coursework and hands on training must be taken through an approved program. You will be studying topics such as human anatomy, medical ethics, patient rights and privacy, emergency care, and rehabilitation care. You will need to renew every two years. You can work in intensive care, pediatrics or a hospice situation. Homestead Schools in Torrance requires no tuition for the entire five week program. The only cost is the text books and uniforms. The R.O.P Health Careers do an assessment and if you meet the requirements, you can join the program. Another tuition free training is with the non profit organization called the California Long Term Care Education Center. It retrains the workforce. There are branches in all major cities of California. Get on the waiting list. If you are over eighteen, have a GED or hish school diploma and over the age of 18, the Oakland Unified School District has a ten week low cost certified nursing assistant available. There is the In-Home Supportive Services Consortium that provides home care and supportive services to the frail elderly and people with disabilities. They can help with continuing education, and job placement services. The classes for a 360 hour CNA training program begin at least twice a year at the Sacramento County Regional Occupational Programs. These classes are free for county residents. The certified nursing assistant acts as a liaison and plays an important role in the healthcare environment. It is rewarding to help the patients perform their routine activities and maintain their dignity.
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