Complete list of state approved pre-licensure registered nurse education programs
Earn your ADN degree or BSN degree in Wyoming |
RN Nursing Programs in WyomingBecoming a registered nurse requires motivation, patience, dedication and a desire to care for those in need. Nursing can also be highly rewarding for the individual because they are able to see the results of their work in treating patients. Being a nurse might include long shifts and working several consecutive days or nights, which is an important consideration to take into account before jumping into a nursing career.
Wyoming RN License Requirements 1. Completion of a state-approved Registered Nurse program 2. Pass the NCLEX RN exam (required by all U.S. states) RN Salary Info As of May 1st 2006, average salaries for Registered Nurses range from $49,000 to $57,290. These salaries fluctuate depending on the state you practice in. The lowest margin of Registered Nurses make $41,000 yearly, the highest margin of Registered Nurses bring in over $83,000+ yearly. While exploring different opportunities in the nursing field, its important to speak with Registered Nurses working in various capacities to understand more about the profession. Researching possible RN jobs online can be very helpful in finding out what types of opportunities are available and what most RN jobs entail. Approved RN Programs in Wyoming to Earn ADN or BSN Degree
Accredited Wyoming RN SchoolsSee our complete list of qualified RN nursing education programs in the state of Wyoming. The schools listed here offer pre-licensure nursing programs that meet the registered nursing education requirements set forth by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing. Although the schools listed on this page are accredited by the Wyoming Board of Nursing and approved by the state of Wyoming, they might not be accredited by national organizations such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Individuals should check to see if the state-approved nursing school they are considering also enjoys national accreditation status if they are seeking a school with both accreditations.