Complete list of Montana schools that offer approved RN pre-licensure education programs |
Registered Nursing Classes in MontanaRegistered nursing is one of the fastest growing occupations there is, especially since the baby boomers generation is at or near retirement age. The average RN salary in Montana is $75,000 per year, or $36 per hour. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau, 3.4 million babies were born between 1946 and 1964. Today 2.8 million baby boomers make up 26% of the total United States (US) population. The retirement numbers are staggering which have made a huge impact on the demands of the nursing field.
– Complete an approved 4-year high school course of study or the equivalent The Montana Board of Nursing approves only programs that lead to initial licensure as an LPN or RN. To obtain an RN license it is required to complete an Associate’s degree that generally consists of two to three years of coursework. Additional education geared towards a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) is also recommended for greater professional career options. Both degrees require around 10 prerequisite courses in general studies such as biology, psychology or anatomy before applying to the program. Entry to nursing schools is quite competitive and there can sometimes be a one or two year waiting list. High grades and some volunteer work are helpful in getting accepted into a good RN program. Montana offers some of the best RN programs in the nation. According to the national Registered Nurse Licensing Examination Pass Rates of 2010, Montana’s pass rate was 87.88 and the national pass rate was 87.41. Some of the best cities in Montana for RN positions are: Billings: The largest city in Montana with two Level II trauma centers and various home health care agencies. Missoula: The second largest city in Montana with several hospital and clinics. Currently the city employs around 1,220 registered nurses. Great Falls: The third largest city in Montana that includes the Air Force Base, a hospital and several clinics. Currently the city of Great Falls employs around 930 RNs. Montana Associates Degree RN Programs
Accredited Montana RN SchoolsSee our complete list of qualified RN nursing education programs in the state of Montana. The schools listed here offer pre-licensure nursing programs that meet the registered nursing education requirements set forth by the Montana State Board of Nursing. Although the schools listed on this page are accredited by the Montana Board of Nursing and approved by the state of Montana, they might not be accredited by national organizations such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Individuals should check to see if the state-approved nursing school they are considering also enjoys national accreditation status if they are seeking a school with both accreditations.