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Newport (DE) LPN Training Programs

See which schools offer online LPN classes and campus LPN training in Newport (DE)

License Requirements to Become an LPN in Newport, DE

To become an LPN in Newport, DE the prospective student must enroll and complete a state approved LPN education program and then pass the NCLEX-PN exam. This will require both classroom knowledge and practical nursing skills. Our directory lists all Newport area schools that currently offer approved practical nurse education. It is recommended that you double check with the Delaware State Board of Nursing prior to enrolling, just to make sure the program is in good standing and meets all state requirements. The coursework should take between 1-2 years to complete, depending on whether the student is pursuing an Associate’s degree or just a practical nursing certificate. Many colleges, universities, hospitals and vocational education institutions in Newport provide training for prospective LPNs.

Practical nurses perform a wide variety of duties and must be prepared with the required knowledge of nursing concepts as well as clinical practice. Proper training should include hands-on experience in a clinical setting. The LPN will be tasked with providing patient care and monitoring patient health conditions, reactions to medications, and bodily fluids.

LPN Schools in Newport (DE)

Camtech, Inc.

240 North James Street
Tower Office Park, Suite B2
Newport, DE 19804
(302) 998-8166

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Typical LPN Coursework in Newport DE

The required courses will differ slightly from one program to another, but typical classes will include Fundamentals of Nursing, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Mathematics for Nurses, Microbiology and Pharmacology. There are online LPN programs available as well. Most online LPN courses will include a combination of classroom study and clinical practice. Since nursing is a hands-on profession, many of the required job skills must be learned and practiced.

Can My Credits Be Applied Towards an LPN Certificate

Some college credits may be applied towards certain LPN programs. Students must submit their transcripts to their target school and see which credits are transferable (if any). If the student has completed similar coursework to what is required by their new program then they will likely be able to receive credit for coursework already completed.

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