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Drumright OK LPN Schools and Training Programs

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Find LVN Certification Classes in Drumright, OK

Its fairly simple to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Drumright, OK by completing a state approved education program and then passing the NCLEX-PN exam. The coursework can be completed in approximately one year if attending school full-time. Many students nowadays prefer online learning over a traditional classroom setting. Some schools offer online LPN programs for Drumright students, although the clinical skills portion of the curriculum must be completed at a local training site. LVN schools usually partner with local hospitals and health clinics to deliver the hands-on training required for practical nursing.

What are the Prerequisites to Become an LPN?

LPN training has prerequisites: you must be at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, and complete a basic academic skills test before enrollment. Most LPN courses take approximately one year to complete if attending full-time.

What Does LPN Training Include?

Training courses include both clinical and theoretical modules as part of the learning program. Theoretical LVN training involves pediatric and maternity nursing, adult and geriatrics care, pharmacology and psychology, including physiology and anatomy. Practical training is completed by working in an actual facility under the supervision of a medical practitioner. Both forms of education allow you to gain the experience and knowledge required to perform the essential job duties of a practical nurse in Oklahoma.

State Approved LPN Schools in Drumright, Oklahoma

Central Technology Center School of Practical Nursing

Drumright Campus
3 CT Circle
Drumright, OK 74030
918-352-2551 Ext 288

Online LPN Schools for Students in Drumright, Oklahoma

Can I Transfer MY LPN License From Another State to Oklahoma?

The best way to determine reciprocity and/or license requirements from one state to another is to contact the State Board of Nursing in the state in which you would like to practice nursing. They can advise you as to what you must do to transfer your LPN certification to their state and begin working.

What is it Like Working as an LPN?

There are both physical and emotional challenges to being a LPN. Many LPN positions require long work shifts spread over several consecutive days. This can be very demanding on the human body and might not be suitable for everyone. Nursing is also emotionally tiring because you are exposed to people who are suffering and that can weigh heavily on an individual’s conscience.

How Long Does LPN Training Take? How Much Does it Cost?

Costs vary by program type but typical LPN training costs range from $500 – $10,000. Private schools usually cost more than public schools, and online learning typically costs more than traditional campus-based programs. Diploma or certificate level programs are usually cheaper than 1-2 year long Associates degree courses. There might be financial assistance available for Drumright students based on need or merit. Student loans might be necessary to cover additional educational expenses such as books, transportation and housing.

How Can I Find LPN Classes Near Me?

Our website collects information from official state and government websites, nursing organizations, job agencies and other sources to provide our users with the most complete list of LPN training classes currently being offered. Our listings include campus-based programs and online LPN programs and is organized by location. See which Drumright, Oklahoma colleges and universities currently have open enrollment for LPN training courses. If you don’t see what you are looking for, try using our custom LPN school search tool to identify training programs near you.

LPN Job Description – Daily Job Duties and Responsibilities

Newly licensed LPNs can seek employment in Drumright hospitals, health clinics, doctor offices, podiatry offices, dental offices, convalescent homes and assisted living facilities. LPNs work under the direct supervision of a doctor or R.N. and provide the majority of direct patient care, according to the guidelines set forth by the supervisor. Typical daily job duties include maintaining patient medical records, administering medications, establishing IV lines, monitoring any changes in patient condition and executing the care plan set forth by the supervising physician or nurse. LPNs might be in charge of prepping the patient before undergoing a medical procedure. Other typical LPN duties include changing/dressing wounds, delivering warm compresses or massages, recording vital signs, using healthcare equipment such as catheters, oxygen masks and intravenous IV therapy.

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